
The European Post-master in Urbanism (EMU) is an advanced master degree that engages with the complexities of the design and planning of cities and landscapes, in a jointly run programme by TU Delft, KU Leuven, UPC Barcelona and Università IUAV di Venezia. All four universities adhere to the specifically European tradition that views urbanism as a collection of socially responsible disciplines, which aim to improve the living conditions of all citizens.

The universities take different approaches to the subject matter, which is the result of interactive, contextual development with regard to geography, history and culture. This specificity means that students acquire valuable experience in a variety of cultural, disciplinary and physical landscapes. At TU Delft there is a focus on two major research topics, Metropolitan Structures and Delta Urbanism, working in a Dutch tradition of urbanism as an integration of urban design, landscape architecture and spatial planning.

The EMU programme is seen as incubator for design driven research with students building up a skill set in research and design through studios, intensive workshops and supplementary courses. Participants come from a wide range of countries and are asked to reflect on and challenge how planning and urban design operates in the Netherlands, the European Union and their home countries.

EMU alumni take leadership roles in their home countries or go on to do advanced research on critical issues in Europe and abroad. The programme thus enhances career prospects.

Further information can be found at this link.